i keep getting messeges about having a trojan on a file called "s3cg". i keep deleting eat but it keeps on coming back. what do i do??? please help me
Go on over to the Windows - Virus and spyware problems forum, describe your problem, and post a HijackThis log and I'm sure in a while someone will help you out with it. I've just started learning myself, so this all the assistance that can provide, but someone knowledgeable there will help you fix it. To post a HJT log, download HijackThis here, put this file in its own folder named HijackThis and put that folder in your Programs directory. Then go to the HijackThis file in that folder, make a shortcut to it on your desktop and run it from there. Select "Do a system scan and save a log file", it will scan and when it's finished, a text in notepad will open with the log file. Copy and paste that log file, along with a description of your problem in the virus forum as I said above and wait for assistance. You can close HijackThis and notepad after you copy the log file. Hope this helps.