Ok, I have working softmodded xbox, and a 120GB WD drive that I have apparently successfully locked and unlocked, so it should be compatible. I worked with xboxhd, FTP'd my eeprom (from e\apps\dashboard\backup) to the eeprom folder, and C/E to my HD as backup, and to the ISO image as well, for creation of the ISO. I burned the ISO, created a new xbox drive from scratch, made an F drive, formatted it all, etc. All was fine. I then went to option 6 -- but it gives me a "error decypt eeprom" error. I browse over, and the eeprom is indeed there, and is a non-empty file. So, I do have a printout from Evox, "hddinfo.txt". I hook up my Factory xbox HD, boot into linux, and successfully (per unlockx) unlock the HD used the "HDD KEY" and successfully LOCK it back, with the HDD key. The drive is good and working. My UPGRADE drive, however... no luck. I use the same key (is that my error?) from the good drive, lock it, boot it: ERROR 6 (can't unlock it) when booting. I somewhere (i can't remember now) saw another key at one point, and tried it, but got the same problems. Any advice on what I'm doing wrong would be appreciated. I followed the tutorials I could find, but the error I received made it a bit challenging. In addition, I don't have a working floppy drive (it's 2007) so I'm writing down (quadruple checking) everything I do. Also running some of the tools outside the scripts/batch file, b/c of the error above. Thanks in advance
I have no idea where you people get these REALLY hard to do HDD upgrade tutorials from. It's not rocket science. I'll look into writing a proper tutorial for this soon... For now though: * Use Xboxhdm v1.9 * Use 'LiveInfo' to check that your eeprom is the correct one. * DO NOT type your HDD code, EVER!!! * Use clean 5960 Dash files, ALWAYS!!! Basically, extract your HDD eeprom, ensure the serial number matches the sticker on the bottom of your Xbox. Copy a clean 5960 into the C:\ folder of 'Xboxhdm's Linux folder. Forget E:\. Copy the eeprom to the 'Eeprom' folder. Click on the 'Makewiniso.bat' file. Burn the ISO as an 'Image File' in Nero. Turn off your computer, unplug your PC's HDD and plug in the new Xbox one. Boot the PC with the new CD we created. Press "1" and then Type 'xboxhd' We then want to press "1" again 'Build a new HD from scratch' Just keep typing yes... When it's finished, restart the computer until you get to this screen again and type "3" this time At the next screen type 'lockhd -a' Turn off your computer, reconnect your PC HDD, install the new Xbox HDD and you are done!!!
I already fixed it, thanks though. Was an issue with the version of xboxhdm. The old version throws off an error about being unable to decypt (it says decypt, not decrypt) the eeprom. That's a sign that you need to upgrade it. I didn't find much googling that error at all, but that was the root of the issue. The rest of the steps I did were just fine -- once I upgraded, it was cake. And it's really okay to type in your password if you want. In fact, your tutorial isn't any different than one I was referring to. Here's a TIP most tutorial writers fail on, that separates below average tutorials from great ones: Include information on what to do if something goes wrong: common indicators of problems, what the problem means/fix, etc. You also might want to try googling "upgrade hd softmodded xbox" and other similar phrases. You'll quickly find that there are a crapload of tutorials out there, many outdated, and many not quite referring to same situation you may be in.
Hmm... Q) What if, just by accident, you lock your drive and screwed up just one of the letters? A) You now are the proud owner of a very expensive paperweight. Unless you can remember the exact code and error you provided, the drive is lost forever. DO NOT TYPE YOUR CODE!!!
It's all in what one might consider acceptable risk. If I'm willing to risk a $50 drive, that's my right. After all, there are risks throughout everything, right? I consider the risk of mistyping something, when I triple check it, very very small. And, I control just about all the variables there. Sure, an earthquake could happen that made me hit enter before I was ready, but all in all: small risk. I consider driving to work a greater risk. But I'm willing to do it. Seriously, pick something more important to get worked up about.
Look, it's quite simple. You name has a little 'Newbie' next to it, does mine? I write tutorials and advise countless mambers on what to do regarding their consoles. If I gave you advice and you stuffed up your Xbox you'd be blaming me and yelling abuse. People who type passwords are asking for trouble. We no longer need to type passwords as the CORRECT software loads it from file. This leaves NO room for error and makes it safe. Safe actions rarely end up in trouble. If we all gave you advice and you take that into account, but nonetheless decide to type your password because you are satisfied with the risk, by all means, type away! DO NOT start giving advice to other members who do not feel the same way about their hard earned cash! Your methods are reckless and childish.
One could posit that this whole process puts your Xbox and risk, and is reckless. Irrelevant. Most of the problem in the thread is your condescending attitude, actually. Expertise doesn't breed manners. Pity. My advice to you wasn't taken, either: google around, and see all the dis- and mis-information regarding the matter, and consider being a little more friendly to folks, and less condescending: advice is much more appreciated that way. Seriously, put your almighty internet ego aside for a minute. I'm sure in the "early days" you were really friendly and helpful, and you've self educated yourself on this topic quite a bit. If you're so burnt out helping folks, it might be time to move on and take a break, if nothing else. If the fact that someone doesn't know something irritates you that much, that you have to be condescending -- try and remember what it was like when *you* were learning and had questions, and made mistakes. Seriously. Grab a cold one and relax.
ok i am having trouble getting my eeprom.bin to use with xboxhdm i was told that the softmodded xbox has 2 eeproms.. how do i get the correct one? thanks
Hmm, it seems you've got yourself all carried away with your little ideas... If I was such a jerk, why would I spend all the time writing out the tutorial (with pics) above, which clearly answered YOUR problem and many others. My issue with you is that you instantly dismissed my advice and start spouting incorrect advice on a subject you know nothing about. I was polite and direct in my first two posts, which by the way were more then helpful. I don't have any problems with 'newbies', however most know their place. You however have "Burnt your bridges", with me at least. Expect no further advice from myself. END RANT.