Hi. Need advise .. I have a avi file (been converted from a dat file) It's have two sound n I just want to retain one sound/language. How can I do it? Tried to demux using virtualdubmod by can't, because it's have only one (audio) stream?? More info on the orginal dat file FL6of13.DAT Filename: C:/rsy/FL BURN/FL6of13.DAT Video Track #1: FOURCC: "MPEG" (MPEG-1 Video) 352x240, 29,969999 fps Audio Track #1: FormatTag : "80" (MPEG-1 Layer-2 Audio (mp2)) 2 channels, 44100Hz Language: N/A Tks & rgds
yes.. so right now, who ever want to watch the uploaded avi, will have to DL it and manual switch their pc audio control. But I thought it will be good if I can have a solution to it by demux it. BTW, tks for reply to the post
If it really is that there is one language per stereo channel, then demux the the audio with virtualdubmod. Load the wav into Audacity and split the channels.Remove the offending channel and resave the wav then load with Virtualdub. Audacity (split wav file channels R/L stereo) http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe