Help! Urgent! (M3 Simply)

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by ronyap, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. ronyap

    ronyap Member

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I was using my M3 simply, listening to some music, watching some videos using Moonshell and other homebrew. Everything was working fine, but suddenly, it just stopped operating. Firstly, I tried loading Moonshell, but the splash screen would not load properly and froze, I switched off the DS and tried again, the splash screen would not load again. Turned it off again, I tried this a few times, and after a while, the M3 wouldnt even load! It just gives a blank black screen. It just wont load. I tested it out, (my bros got one as well) and I have found out that its the Micro SD's problem and not the M3s. I tried getting the Micro SD to load on my computer, but Windows would not recognise it, and says it is corrupt. How can this be?! It was working fine a few minutes ago! The funny thing is that the Micro SD card became corrupt DURING use.

    Help! What do I do now? I would appreciate it if I can recover my stuff from the Micro SD, if not, Ill just have to format the card. but how can I format the card if windows does not recognise the card?

    HELp Please!
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Generally that is how cards become corrupt, they don't just decide to corrupt themselves while sitting on a shelf.

    Unfortunetly it can happen, I have had a MiniSD card from my TomTom corrupt before, I lost all the addresses and locations stored on it, I have also lost data from a Memory Stick DUO in my Sony Clie.
    All I can recommend is to backup your data often (my computer is setup to backup the contents of any memory card everytime it is connected)
    There are file recovery programs out there, but they usually only recover deleted files, or recover only partially corrupted files.
  3. ronyap

    ronyap Member

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Thanks for the reply ^^. I managed to get the computer to format my SD Card, I lost all my data though :S. however, luckily, I did backup a few of my important stuff ^^. Anyways, what I was saying was, I wouldnt expect the Card to become corrupt whilst using it on my M3, coz I cant (well I dont) change configuration settings and all that stuff whilst using I'm M3. i only do that on the computer. So, anything can just become corrupt like that? Any real reason? I dont want my card just to become corrupt like that for no reason. Well, even if there isnt, I probably wont be able to do anything about it, especially when its a Kingston 1GB recommended brand. I also remember, I think, like a few minutes before the corruption, I had changed the time one hour forward (yeh, Spring Forward - Autumn Fall :p), and then I tried to load Moonshell 1.71, and the splash kept freezing. maybe the new version of Moonshell cant handle time changes or something like that. Ok, I dont really know what Im talking about, but Ive never experienced any corruption of a storage device before in my life, so it was a bit weird for me. I hope it never happens again.

    And, yh, Ill keep in mind to back up my stuff every so often.

    Thanks. Reasons for corruption appreciated, so i can avoid them in the future ^^.
  4. Kafluke

    Kafluke Active member

    Jul 17, 2004
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    Like he was saying, they usually corrupt WHILE you are using them. You didn't do anything wrong and there is NO real way to avoid corruption. I bought a really good brand of microsd for my simply and the damn thing just failed after a while. I had to send it back to the company who promptly replaced it with a new one. The only real defense is to back your stuff up.
  5. magus7091

    magus7091 Regular member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Agreed, the only thing you can do is replace it at this point, you could try a data recovery software, but if it's dead, then it's dead. My recommendation is whenever you make any real progress on a game, then save all the files to your pc. For now, replace the card, and find one cheap, go to a computer store online, not a mod chip store. I got 2 kingston 1 gigs for $9.99 each (US) at newegg.
    Even though you saved it (didn't notice your latest post) you may want to consider replacing it. I had a memory card corrupted by a bad rom before, it could also happen if you turn it off while it's saving, or if you bump the card while it's in play.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2007
  6. ZML

    ZML Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Just curious, how do you do that?
    ..and can you set it to ignore certain files, or filetypes?
  7. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I use a program much like the Windows Briefcase (dunno if that even comes with XP or Vista) what it does is keep a seperate folder on my computer which keeps a backup of all the files on the memory card (different folders for different cards) when I connect a card (or any USB Mass Storage Device) it checks the card and identifies what folder on my computer it corresponds to, it then proceeds to syncronize everything based on last modified. So I can add files to the computers folder, and it will copy them automatically to the card, and it backs up only settings/save files from the card (if they have changed since last time), it is a program I developed, and as such is not available for download/purchase, however I do know there are prgrams out there which basically do the same thing, not that I can name any though.

    It ignores anything that has not been modified, other than that there is no selection process, though if I needed to I could probably edit the code to do so.
  8. ZML

    ZML Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Hmm.. your program sounds nice.
    I'll have to find something that works like that.
  9. rsheehy

    rsheehy Member

    May 20, 2005
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    I'm kinda new to DS stuff, I'm looking up this for a friend as I do not have a DS and the friend is computer illiterate so I'd have to do everything for the person.
    I've read a couple of threads on the getting the ds to play copied games, and I just want to clear a few things up .

    1. With M3DS Simply, do you have to have a gamemanager to transfer the games or do you literally download, and then drag and drop(as it sounds so easy)

    2. Is this region free? like will any game I get work on a European DS Lite, or do I have to download Europe only games(which normally are harder in other consoles)

    3. How easy is it to get the games. I saw a site that seemed to have 800+ ds games to download in 1gb packs, using E Mule. Do I just have to download games from this?, if not where do I get games from?

    And aswell, how many games would fit on a 1gb card, like I need to decide for my friend what size card to get, and I dont know what final size ds games will roughly be.

    Thanks a million for the help, and thanks to Mr Hanky for clearing many things up already.

    Also(I'm sorry for asking so much questions), but what would be a good card to get (living in Ireland), like cheapest that works is fine.

    Thanks again
  10. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    1. Drag and Drop, No gamemanager.
    2. Yes it is region free, as the DS itself is region free.
    3. When you find a a reliable place to download from it is very easy. I use Bittorrent, or dump the game myself.

    A 1GB card can hold about 10-25 games depending on size of the games. DS games range from 8MB to 128MB in size, with most being 32 or 64MB
  11. rsheehy

    rsheehy Member

    May 20, 2005
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    I posted this in the wrong thread as I meant to post it in your guide.
    Thanks a million, Mr Hanky, you made things alot easier for me, Afterdawn is seriously the best forum in the world, as it's the only place where I actually always get help for any problem I have.

    Oh and this weeks south park looks class aswell, I'm a fan of it aswell, and this week I think it's gonna be like 24 with minutes counting down, looks really good, can't wait till thursday morning.
  12. ronyap

    ronyap Member

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Good thing that its normal then ^^. I was worrying that my card was fake or something. I wonder if you can get fake Micro SD Cards? Anyways, Im going HK tomorrow, and Im gonna be buying myself some MicroSDs. I heard that the Simply accepts/works well with higher data storage cards, like the 4GB ones. Am I correct? Coz I dont want to spend my money on something I dont need :p.


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