After installing DVD Rebuilder free,I see it has installed HC encoder. How can I tell DVD Rebuilder to use HC encoder instead of another one? Please tell me in "steps" how to do this, after english, is not my native language. Thanks
HC accepts the command line syntax of QuEnc. All you have to do is go into DVD-RB's setup and select the HC executable instead of QuEnc's.
if jodbbs's advise doesn't work, install the RB that come alone(not the installer which comes with everything already included) then dawnload HC and install it in the same folder where the RB is.
I did that and when i encode it will finish in less than 3 seconds and when i rebuild it would say nothing to do
download the latest freeware version 094 as INSTALLER version (made by rockas) this version has HC support closing after a couple of seconds means that you havent linked to the proper exe file, which should be HCBATCH.exe