Hi I have been looking through your form for some advice on which is the best digital box to get (Dbox2 or starview) and cant find any answers, any advice would be greatful im a telewest customer.
Hi there! its your personal prefference which box you want to get. Much as my experience says (I have only used eurovox max, starview, and fta 101 box)I prefer eurovox max over all of them. Simple reason is its lot more stable then other two mentioned.
hi thanks for your reply I dont yet have a box and was wondering what one was the best for me (easyist to use and most stable)as i dont want to buy one that would be a nightmare to flash or operate thanks again.
My advice would be, Go for EuroMax.You dont have to flash it. I ave been using it for nearly 2 years and not even single time had any problem. email me if you are interested