help with action replay and mem card

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by hobo420, May 15, 2006.

  1. hobo420

    hobo420 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I love you guys. you are great help in all of my moding needs. i have a friends x box that i want to softmod for the first time. i got all the nessessary exploits for 007 auf. i hacked my break away cable and rewired a usb cable to the end of it. I also have a ms memory card. i got action replay for the box and when i boot up action replay i am supposed to get a green light at the top meaning that its reading my memory card on the controller but its not. i have tryed to reinstall 4 times and nothing. i have the usb connected to my laptop before i run action replay. any ideas of what might be happening. i downloaded usb view to see if its even reading as a mass stoage drive but it doesnt even show that its reading the controller. any help would be great. thanks.
    Last edited: May 16, 2006
  2. hobo420

    hobo420 Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    ok this is really driving me crazy. i spend 5 hours diging threw the threads in after dawn and xbox hq and etc and i havent found any answers on why ar isnt working with my setup. as i said before i have a break away cable that has been hacked to a usb cable. i have rewired and rewired and resoldered and resoldered and so on and still nothing is happening. i dont want to buy ar because i dont own a box i am just doing this to help out a fellow friend. i have a few friends that have a softmodded box but they live in norcal and i am in socal so that doesnt do me any good. any help would be great. i have tested the memory card on the box and it reads it and formats the card so i know its not my memory card. i cant think of anything else on why this might be happening. has anyone else have had this happen to them and how did they fix it. please please let me know i have spend way too much time and research for something so little as this. softmoding isnt hard at all and since i am a programer i compleatly understand how it works and what i need to do. i just cant figure out why it wont work with the controller mod. please help
    Last edited: May 16, 2006

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