im trying to burn an iso for the bios to boot off of and thierfore create a new hard drive for the xbox. (160). after file transfering the files over, (c,e,eeprom), i made the iso, then tried to burn it to cd. the iso was way to big so i started over by deleting my backup files that were on the e: (they took up like 900 some mb for some reason) i figured i could the ftp the backups back over after i got done. so after i burn it for the second time, i put it in the computer and it wont even recognize it. even after changing the bios options. so now im stuck i cant get my computer to boot an iso cd proably because im not burning the correct information. please help if you know anything.
follow this tutorial, it should explain everything
ok, but my eeprom woudnt open with liveinfo beta 2 or wtvr. i went ahead and kept going but the computer wouldnt start the cd. im pretty sure that i put everything to boot cd rom. but when i put the cd in and try to boot it, it says, "please insert bootable media" thier possible a way to do it where u set it as a slave drive or secondary drive next to the one on your computer and configure it then?
you can do that using a program called "Xplorer". it works the same as windows explorer but allows you to view and change files on an xbox drive whilst in windows. check out this: u should b able to download it from there
thanks for all the help psykarrd. honestly! your saying that i should be able to plug it into the computer as slave and put the files on it that are on my current xbox using ftp? (or something similar to that) cause that would be great! i was also looking into using the chimp method if that dosent work. i started to try it but i have a 1.6 box and u have to telnet. so i tried doing that, got pretty succesfull. but when you have to type in the password, thats when i ran into problems. oh well, if i can the xplorer to work i should just be able to ftp the files over to the computer....but how do i lock it to my xbox when im done?
srry but i forgot.....if xplorer is just like a ftp program, i really dont need anything like if it is....i dont know how it would help my progression.......(little off topic) i need to know where the password is stored for the "format menu" option of unleashx. i have no idea what the password is. someone must of randomly changed it..?.....but, again with the chimp thing, when i telenet, it says password. so i type in xbox and it shows the password icons. but its not supposed to. i click enter and it keeps saying wrong password until i log out. and it also dosent show the username...(which by default is "root")
ok, so you are trying to uid a new HDD. 1. Get the eeprom. This is the most important thing, the eeprom is used to lock and unlock the drive. 2. Xplorer isn't like FTP. once you have unlocked your Xbox HDD and put it in your PC. The program allows you to brows and change files on the xbox partitions. But this wont help you unless you can lock the HDD after. 3.You really need to get the boot CD to work. Once that works everything will be easy as pie. Try disconnecting all HDD so only the CD rom is left. Then connect your xbox drive to the power in your PC but don't connect the IDE cable. then turn on your pc and See if it will then boot to the linux installer program. as soon as it boots, connect the ide cable to your xbox hdd. if this dosn't work try re-burning the iso. PS. does your PC boot from other cds??
Follow my tutorial EXACTLY and it will boot! Use my files too, not your own! Upgraded HDDs should ALWAYS contain fresh software!
i have followed this tutorial.....for some reason my eeprom wouldnt load correctly in the liveinfo beta 2 thing but i went ahead and proceeded anyhoo. i burnt the cd using your files but i cannot get it to load on the pc. i have tried 5 cd's and im getting sick of wasting them. i followed everything exactly. it must be the computer that im using. im not using the one im typing this on cause it is "ata" not, "ide". im using an older one. if i cant do it this way i have 2 other options.... 1. find a program to lock the hard drive after using xplorer, to the xbox. 2. figure out how to use chimp on my 1.6 box....ya i know, telnet. i got it to somewhat work but after i type my ip address in, it asks for a password. so i type in "xbox", and it dosent work and asks me for the password again. i try 4 times and the it logs me out. some people said that u shouldnt be able to see yourself type the password but it showd up as asterisks to me. random questions...why when i ftp files over, (c,e), it is too big for the cd. (900 mbs with no extras. all the memory is in the backup folder too. i believe that my softmodding program messed it up. (sid) why wouldnt my eeprom load into the liveinfo thingy...i tryd both of the two eeproms that i could possibly find.