Help with an already flashed 360 and copying games...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Killum, Jun 25, 2009.

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  1. Killum

    Killum Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    Hi everyone. I really badly need some help with copying my xbox360 games. A while ago I looked into flashing my own xbox, and ended up getting it done by someone about a week ago now. What I want to do is copy my own games. However, I have no idea what to do. I have worked through the tutorials on this forum but each time I try to FTP I get a failed connection. Now, I have a few copies already which play fine, and I connect my xbox to live through my laptop using the Ethernet and sharing my wireless. I just basically don't understand all of it fully, and also don't know if my xbox ip is static and I can't find the option to turn it to static on the xbox dashboard. I don't know if I have another dashboard in the xbox or anything because all that happens when I turn it on is that it comes straight up to the normal xbox dashboard.

    If someone could help me I would be extremely grateful. Thanks mike.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Please look/post in the xbox 360 forum
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