reason # 1 of why I don't like 2 use InterVideo DVD Copy2 is it leaves little lines oncein a while, now I dont know maybe cuz it was a fixed trail vsn. reason # 2 is i never really gave it a chance cuz when i used it in conjunction with anydvd my destination copy would repeat itself every 5 seconds (the last 5 seconds repeat once, b4 moving ahead in the movies time why is this? anyone know?
The trial version is the same version being sold. I heard the earlier version of the trial had been updated. Since the trial only lasts 3 days, this must have been a new version. Not long enough to really do a good evaluation. It is a good program and in the simple settings, very easy to use. This is probably one of the better recording software programs of its type. It goes from easy to more complex settings for editing. A good tool for both the novice and the experienced user. If there was a problem using a particular decryption tool such as AnyDVD, that would account for possible video problems. DVDCopy2 works well with files ripped to the HD with a program such as DVD Decrypter. Also, when using the AnyDVD, the Safe Mode may have to be unchecked. This post is from a user of the program; with quite a bit of use behind the evaluation.