I need help burning 114 episodes of a show to dvd. each episode is around 216mb to 229mb and about 20 minutes in lenght. I need help making one file out of various files to then convert to dvd and burn. I know it's gonna be a lot of dvd-R's but I just don't know how to do any of this. I tryed avi2dvd but the most files it supports is 2. Any help apreciated thanks!
Or: decide how many DVD you'll use (let's suppose about 15, so that any DVD will contain about 150 minutes of movies [you must fit 114 episodes * 20' = 2280' on the DVDs; 15*150=2250'). Let's suppose you wand to fit AVI_1....AVI_15 on the first DVD. Let it be LTOT=length(1)+...length(15) (in minutes). Let's suppose any audios will be encoded to AC3 192 kbps 48000 Hz with FFMPEG GUI. Encode any AVI using the bitrate resulting from insering a LTOT movie on a DVD and you'll get the 15 MPV_i videos. Finally use a professional authoring application (like DVD Lab), insering the videos + the audios in the DVD. Provided all audios are AC3 192 kbps as LTOT is the sum of all movies' lengths, you'll fit a DVD5 with the result.
thanks for the help aldaco12 but I like the idea of makeing a svcd with a dvd disc. I would like to preserve the original quality of video and size. thanks for the help!