What file type are you attempting to convert to? Make sure everything is filled in that should be. By that I mean, the path to the encoder (ie LAME), the path to the file your tying to convert, and all encoder settings. Ced
I have never used the Wizard myself. The GUI is hard enough to figure out! Wav to AC3 should be a simple affair. All you should have to do (using the BeSweet GUI) is: 1) Make sure the path to [bold]BeSweet.exe[/bold] is correct 2) Make sure the path to your [bold]input file[/bold] is correct (.wav) 3) Select [bold]AC3[/bold] as the output type (in the "combo-box" not the "output-path"). 4) Press the green WAV-to-AC3 button This should produce an AC3 file from any wave file. Is you WAVE file a standard 2 channle, 44.1 KHz, PCM file, or is it DTS or somehting else? Ur welcome, Ced
AC3 standard is 48kHz sampling rate. BeSweet Wizard is completely useless. BeSweet GUI used to work flawless, I used to use it a lot to convert AC3s to WAV (2-pass AZID) but lately since they changed to AZID-TS it doesn't work as well anymore... But, WAV to AC3? Sure why not; you will get AC3 2.0 similar to 192kbs MP3. Is that what you want? If BeSweet will do it, you must work your way through the GUI (there is a new one supposedly, Jan. 2005) And stay away from that Wizard ;^( LoL Regards