help with choosing the best external double-layer writer

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by VJbob, Oct 13, 2006.

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  1. VJbob

    VJbob Regular member

    Oct 6, 2004
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    I've been using Sony for a long time but my 720U finally gave out and now I'm on the market for a new external burner. I was thinking of buying the Sony 820 or 830 but have been hearing nothing but good things about BenQ, Lite-On and Pioneer. So I guess I have 2 choices: I can buy in the store (where I can easily return if product is defective) or buy online (cheaper prices and wider selection but more complicated return, not to mention the wait).

    At the store I saw external burners like the Sony 820 and a HP burner in a cardboard box (OEM?) for about $100. I also saw a Comstar burner that says "featuring Pioneer writer" for about $100. Also I saw a Samsung for about the same price. They had many BenQ burners but all internal drives. I was leaning toward the Comstar with Pioneer but they only had one left so I was hesitant. My second choice would've been the HP but I don't need lightscribe but figured it would be pretty reliable.

    2nd option is to buy online at places like meritline where the prices are great.
    I was looking at the BenQ 1670 for about $63 and my second choice would've been the Pioneer DVR-111D for $68. I wouldn't mind paying more (you do usually get what you pay for) for a quality and reliable burner and the BenQ "solid-burn" and "write-right" technology look pretty neat but I don't how that compares with Pioneer.

    If anybody could give me advice it would be much appreciated.
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