Hi, Hope you can follow this. To begin with, my OS is Windows98se, 500 MHz with 384 Mb Ram. My hard disk is 20 Gb. I only have about 13 Gb left on my HD as free space so I really don't have enough free space left to burn DVDs using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. I do have a 20 Gb HD that I took out of another computer that I'm going to hook up to my computer as an external drive using an external HD enclosure and I probably call it Z:. This external HD will be used exclusively for DVD burning and such. Now, my questions. I intend to install Shrink, Decrypter and Daemon Tools on the external drive. I already have them on my master C: drive now and the Daemon Tools red flash icon is on my task bar - I've already created a virtual drive with it on my computer but how do I [or do I need to] create another virtual drive with the new HD when there will be no new task bar to work with an icon? I'm new to this DVD burning so please bear with me! Can I use the C: created virtual drive with the new HD and tell me how to do this correctly? Thanks.
i would just leave shrink, decrypter and daemon tools on the c: drive, no need to switch as it seems you have 13gb of space, neither programs are big in size to switch to another HD. if you decide to switch shrink, decrypter and daemon tools to the new HD just uninstall these programs and reinstall to the other HD, but remember you will not be able to access these programs if your external HD is not plugged in or the power is off. There is no difference when you install programs on another HD, they work just the same as if they were on your c: drive. why yes you can. If you programs are on your c: drive and all your movies are on your Z: drive and you want to mount them or access them all you have to do is access them like any other internal HD. Hope I was thurough enough and if not then feel free to ask away.