can anyone help me when my xbox and i go to my dashboard which dashboard do i choose avalaunch unleashX dvd2xbox when i do pick one wat r the steps to take to burn games
ok thanks but wat steps do i take to burn the games becuz i do not know wat to do after i pick either one of them
Well backup everything that u can back up, then use this: tutorial on how to ftp into your xbox and save all of your stuff so you have a backup. As for burning game you will have to look around becasue i dont know how to do that.
ok I looked around and came up with this: hope it helps
I've never used avalaunch before so I don't know much about it and if you want to be safe then you should hook up your xbox to backup all of your files. I didnt' do that and now I have a broken xbox.
It's a long story. I wanted to softmod so I did and everything worked fine. Then I wanted to put halo 2 onto my HDD so I could mod and stuff. Evidently it was to big and erased my Unleashx Dash board so I only had Evox. I was pissed so I deleted my C in an effort to remove it but I didn't know what would happen. Now I get an error 13 and none of the disks will work for me. So I'm giong to use Xboxhdm but that's not coperating with me. I am looking at the HOWTO.txt file and when it says open up a command prompt I do that and then it says naviget to this place but I don't see anything. How do I navigate like it says I can't get anything I say in the box to do anything. Also when I double click on the make-iso-win.bat it is supposed to make an .iso right? well the command prompt box flashes really fast on screen then nothing happens. What do I do I can't do anything and I really need my Xbox back.
can you ftp??, if you can i made a back up of my entire c:\ untuched and ill send it to you but it will only work if you can ftp