Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me. My daughter has a DS. She didnt play it for about a year and a half, because we moved and it was lost in storage for a while.It worked fine before we put it in storage. Well, now we have found it, and it wont turn on. I figured the battery was dead, so I tried to charge it, but after like 24 hrs on charger it still wont turn on. Is there a light that should come on when it is being charged? Im hoping the problem is the battery, I ordered a new one from Nintendo, but wont be here for about a week. I checked Nintendo website, they want $75 to repair it.... I could just buy a new one for $129!! Any help would be appreciated.
has there alot of pressure on it while it was in storage? with my GBA SP, i lost it at my grandmas house for a few weeks and found it deep under her couch but from all the pressure on it it damaged something inside and wouldnt work.