Help with episode dvd backup

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Droog13, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I know how to make copies of dvds with decryptor/shrink/nero and for copying full movies this works just fine.

    However when I have a dvd of a tv show, I dont know exactly what to use. I know I could use the same programs but then I either get:
    a) full backup of the dvd but bad quality
    b) backup of the dvd with some image inplace of warnings and extras
    c) all the episodes playing back to back without any sort of way to navigate

    It would be nice to have just the episodes on the dvd with each chapter being the next episode but I havent been able to find a way to do this (ive googled, looked on AD, and doom9). I always have chapters in 5 minute intervals.

    Otherwise I basic menu system would be fine as well.

    Any advise on what programs to use (preferably with a guide) for easily copying tv show dvds?

  2. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I have looked into a few more options of programs to use.

    I have tried dvd rb and it seems to work great. I am still learning though as my version seems to be more up to date than most of the guides.

    But I think what it boils down to, is do most people just have the episodes on the dvd (and if so any sort of navigation) or just make a full copy?
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    you need to have a look into the program DVD Rebuilder, we have a forum here dedicated to it. I would suggest reading a few threads from the first page in that forum...
  4. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    thanks, that helped a great deal. found a few of your posts that gave a lot of help and saw some good guides too.

    a few quick questions.

    now i see that you use vobbuilder after dvdrb while i see a lot of people (and guides) doing it before. Any reason to use it after?

    if im correct, vobbuilder will automatically take out any extras basically and I have dvdrb set to take out all subtitles and languages besides english. So I dont really need to mess with anything?
    I see in one of your posts just to load up the files and process but many of the guides say to mess with this and that. I guess id like a but of clarification on vobbuilder and what one thing will do over the other.

    thanks again
  5. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    So I followed the guides I found and after a few hours I ended up with out any audio. I double checked and I should have had it according to my settings. Im trying it again without all the automatic removal, but I just found that odd. Especially becuase though the subtitles were removed the sound should have been there (no red x's).

    Also in dvd-rb theres a option to remove all the extras, how does this compare with vob builder?

    I tried just loading up the input/output videos in vobbuilder and hitting process and seeing what it did to the extras. I didnt see any changes. I know i read that is what I was supposed to do somewhere...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2007
  6. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you keep saying Vobbuilder........ do you mean Voblanker? You use Voblanker first! then DVDRB! that's what I do...... or you can use DVDReMaker Pro to take out what you want! then use DVDRB to have the best quality you can get.

    If you're not getting Audio then you did something wrong in your settings. Or didn't rip the audio from the disk when you ripped to the harddrive. Check your settings and make sure you saved it correctly! And also consider that your audio might be DTS! Did you just record DTS audio channel and you can't play DTS? Did you try to switch audio channels? what are you using to playback your DVD?
  7. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Lol, yea I mean vobblanker.

    I tried unchecking 'remove dts audio' in dvdrb and that did not work. And I do have audio before using dvdrb. I am using powerdvd for playback. The audio on the menu works but not on any of the movies. I am using procoder for dvd rb. I am going to give ccp or something else a shot to see if that helps.
  8. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    You mean...... CCE...... anyway, there are many members that like ProCoder but I strictly use CCE. If you want, HC is a great encoder but takes just a little longer than CCE but does an excellant job! I would try HC first since it's free and comes with DVDRB before going out and buying CCE unless you want to! CCE is the best.... IMHO.

    What are you doing? are you taking a DVD and then ripping to hard drive then using Vobblanker then DVDRB? does the audio channel show up in DVDRB? I can't understand why you're having problems with audio.
  9. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    i like full disc copies especially the menus so...
    basically before i started using dvd-RB for my episode discs, i used VOBblanker to split the dvd(split the episodes, like if it had 8 shows i would split it and have the 1st 4 on 1 disc with all the menus working, then the last 4 another disc while having all the menus)... this is a good way if you dont mind using the extra disc and you dont want to wait for dvd-RB...i know that VOBBlanker looks complicated but once you get the hang of it its very easy.
    i could post some screen shots if you like?
  10. Droog13

    Droog13 Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    That would be great. I think I have most of vobblanker figured out, I wouldnt know if I should skip processing or blank the ones i dont want. And a few other minor thinks like that.

    Also, do you do anything with the menu? Ive read up on menuedit, but im trying to avoid paying anymore than I have too for programs.
  11. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    i would process all and not skip any VTS(titleset).

    basically there should be a VTS(titleset)(when you click the VTS it will show the each episode with a PGC) that should have all the episodes on the disc(it also depends on the dvd, sometimes they have each episodes in different VTS's) just select the last however many and blank each can also look for trailers, warnings and ratings and blank them too if you want...then just process it and you might have to shrink the output but most of the time you dont have too, and you can burn the output folder from Vobblanker.

    here is a mini guide looking for warnings and useless menus to balnk,
    and here is another more detailed guide for blanking anything
    post back any other questions.

    here is 2 pics to what i explained above
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2007

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