Help with EvoX Trainers

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by PerryS, May 28, 2006.

  1. PerryS

    PerryS Member

    May 28, 2006
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    Ok, I just installed soft mods and EvoX with the Deluxe Installer v2.0 or whatever and haven't been able to make an FTP connection yet. I tried for a couple of hours to go from XBOX > Router > PC, but I'm afraid I failed miserably so I will try to connect as soon as I get a crossover cable (hopefuly later tonight)

    I'm trying to use the Halo 2 trainers that came with the EvoX dashboard. I set IGR to 'yes' but I think the problem is with the TSR setting. The only way Halo 2 will load is with TSR set to 'normal' but then the trainers don't work at all. When I try to set the TSR to 'debug' or 'disable' the game won't load, and the screen will be stuck with EvoX's green little icon thing.

    Hopefully I'm understanding the trainers correctly, for example, I 'Rapid Fire' on and then load the game with TSR at 'normal' and I enter a split screen game with myself and the BR shoots its standard 3 shots.

    Please help.
  2. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Just get Xored trainer launcher. Install it as an app, and you will never have a problem with a trainer again.

    It is on the AID 3.0 disc...

    You can get it over at

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