Hi, ive had my nokia dbox2 for quite a while now and some one suggested i updated the image on it so i use IFA to upload the latest sportster image i coudl find " yes i knwo theres betters ones out there and if you would like to point out where i woudl be greatfull " anyway it got about half way though it and then it stopped i left it for about 1/2 hour and it didnt budge so stupid old me rebooted the dbox now it starts to load up displays the sportster screen with the couple looking shocked and on the lcd screen it says laoding kernel and thats as far as it gets. Now when i have tried to run ifa again it just crashes so im kinda stuck with a non working dbox, i have tried several other version of Ifa and none of them work now on my Pc unless i do it fur linux "what ever that means " i enter the old IP of the dbox " it's connected on my router " and i get the error msg "Es Konnte Keine Verbdinung zur dbox heregstellt weden. Bitte uberprufen sie die verbdindungsdaten ! " i have tried bable fish but it just dont make any sense to me :-( so the question is have i killed my dbox or is there something i can do to fix it. Im kinda thinking the error im getting from IFA is probly an incorrect ip address if so is there a default ip that the dbox uses. any other information i havent gave but will be usefull in helping me then please feel free to ask many thanks wolf