Hello everyone My father uses nero to create slidshows. He sent me a file he created with the extension ".nvc" which I can't open. Can this file be converted to another format. How would he do it?. I think the version of his software is something like Nero Express.
I think that .nvc is a Nero project file. Example, if I save a project using Nero Vision, the next time I open Nero Vision I have the option of opening a project (the choice is on the Nero Vision start screen with all the other choices). It would let me select the project, but if the original working file was not present, it would be of no use to me - this is the case you are in.
.nvc is a project file for NeroVision. It doesn't include the media files being used into the actual .nvc file. So if he sent you just the .nvc file, that doesn't mean the pictures that are in the slideshow, are going to be in the project file.