I have been supplied with the flash-assistant.zip and the dboxservices.rar. Can someone please provide basic instructions I can follow to flash the box. I have the null cable and all the necessary software but I dont actually know the process to follow? Cheers
Thanks for that. I have got the instructions and I have a problem at the very first step! When I goto network connections my cmptr doesnt display any connections for me to right click on and configure everything todo the flash. Does anyone know how to get access to this another way? I know it should be showing a connection but it isnt showing that a connection exists? Cheers
the cable i used to connect my dbox2 to my computer was a cable that had two telephone type connections on either end . once it was connected to the dbox i dissconnected my internet cable from the computer and conected the 2nd telephone cable end into where the internet cable connected to my computer .