I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but my friend has an issue with his ipod and itunes. He can't move existing music onto itunes from another aplication such as mediaplayer. When he puts in a CD, it wont play using itunes either. Also, when he managed to download a song onto his ipod before this trouble started, it wiped off all the other songs that he had already had saved on his ipod. Does anyone have any ideas on something he is doing wrong? I do not own an ipod myself but this is one of the last places I can think of to come for help for him. Thanks!
its kinda obvious he either has a virus on his pc, the disc might be scratched so he might of lost that data form the cd or .... he might have selected an opiion in either intaling itunes or in the instaled verson. the best thing 2 do is uninstal it and ask 1 of his frends if they have an itunes instalation disk that he can borrow to instal itunes on2 his pc
its kinda obvious he either has a virus on his pc, the disc might be scratched so he might of lost that data form the cd or .... he might have selected an opiion in either intaling itunes or in the instaled verson. the best thing 2 do is uninstal it and ask 1 of his frends if they have an itunes instalation disk that he can borrow to instal itunes on2 his pc
If he put the music on his ipod with another computer or another version of itunes the ipod must be formatted before the new computer/version of itunes can upload songs onto it. Yes it is crap. I did this and now my computer wont even recognize my ipod. that's a different thread though.