When you go to save a pokemon game on my sons DS you get a screen that reads: Save Failed. Checking the backup memory... Please wait. "Time required; about 1 minute" Then after quite a few minutes you get a screen that tells you that it can't save and to replace the backup memory... Does anyone know a fix for this. I have tried emailing the Nintendo customer service but never heard back. He has just keeps the game running so he won't lose everything. I know the best place to go for help when I have issues with AutoCad at work is the forums - I am hoping someone here can help me out with this DS problem. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Is he running Diamond or Pearl (small cart that goes in the back) or is he running a LeafGreen/Firered/GBA (larger cart that goes in the front?
Ok. My guess (and it just a guess) is that the internal battery on the Leaf Green cartridge has died. With no battery power the cart can't save the game. If that is the case, I think you are stuck. I don't think you can have the DS "hold" the game state, pull the cart out, replace the battery, shove it back in, and save on the newly charged cart. I think he will lose the game when he quits. (I may be wrong and someone should correct me if I am.) Once he quits, I think you can replace the internal battery in the cart (involves soldering), but unless you are handy and geeky it would probably be cheaper and easier to just go buy a used one at Game Stop or someplace similiar. Sorry not more help.