Attempting to join 2 avi files and receive this error when trying to open first file Couldn't locate decompressor for format mp43(microsoft high speed mpeg4-v3) Nandub requires a video for windows compatible codec to decompress video. Direct show codecs, such as those used by windows Media player are not suitable What do I do now?
Try this. Download Unzip. Right click on mpeg4fix.inf and select install.
Please help I do the above steps but end up with 3 files mpeg4fix setup information, mpeg4fix text document and mpg4c32.dll. Which one do I right click on and install. Sorry but I am a newbie at this.
You must have your computer set to hide extensions. Tools > Folder Options... > View tab > Un-Check - Hide extensions for known file types. mpeg4fix.inf 2KB Setup Information Right click and Install.
When I do the right click on this file I get the options of open, cut, copy, delete, properties. How do I install. Sorry you must think I really thick, but I'm not really I am just very new to this.
That could be a problem. When you right click on a .inf file there should be Install in the menu. Install Command Unavailable on .inf File Context Menu.
They don't always make a article for all versions of Windows. That doesn't mean that the information cannot be applied to other versions. You could try this codec pack. It may also work.