Help with Nero 7 Burned DVD's!

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by zeige, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. zeige

    zeige Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    Okay so whenever I burn DVD's such as my scary movies, when I play like night scenes or cave scenes I can see it fine on this computer. But after I burn it (with normal settings of course) and play it into any of my TV's, the brightness decreases a lot and those night or cave scenes look like a black screen! I can't see nothing after I burn it..I was just wondering what the problem is? Hopefully there is a program I can download or a setting to change while burning because it plays fine on my pc but once it's on a disk it is very dark. Thanks!
  2. killalot

    killalot Active member

    Nov 7, 2002
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    How big is your TV? Always looks better on computer screen for 1 you are sitting Wright next to it what software are you using to make the disk have you resized the movie to fit it on a single layer disk if yes what quality settings was you left with clone DVD tells you what the output the final disk will be anything under say 75-80% isn’t going to look good on a big screen TV.
  3. zeige

    zeige Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    MY big screen is only like a 58 inch. I'm using Nero 7:Nero Vision. The settings I change is the Speed whichI put to 4x and quality setting I try to click High Quality but whenever I do that it says there is too much space and I need to set the image setting to Automatic. I don't know what you're talking about when you say 75-80% but...the darkness is never this bad from my computer vs. my big screen. I know it's the DVD and not the TV's but big screens arent THIS DARK...I mean it looks completely DARK on some movies and it's definately not supposed to be like THAT.
  4. killalot

    killalot Active member

    Nov 7, 2002
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    Only 58 inch Christ? Does the original look dark on your TV? If not there you go its got nothing to do with the disk when you use Nero vision do you take out all the garbage you don’t need like extras etc subtitles I’ve never used vision so haven’t a clue what the quality is going to be after you re encode it clone DVD tells you the final quality will be so if its under like I said 75-80% it isn’t going to look so good better idea use dual layer disk don’t need to do anything then be a 1 to 1 copy

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