I have many devices in my living room that I want to have hard wired with ethernet cables. My router is in my office though. Do I need to get this switch and then run a cat-5 from my router to the switch, plug it in to any of the 1-16 ports, and then just hook all my devices to the remaining ports? Is there anything to configure? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122139
That's how i do mine exactly as you have asked 1- ether cable from the modem to any port on the switch 2-thats pretty much it just plug the devices into the switch ports ,its that simple
Awesome. That's pretty much what I figured. I ordered the one off newegg. Hopefully I get some faster network speeds. I was previously using a router that was only a 10/100. Very slow transfer speeds. Only around 10 mbps. Hopefully with the new gigabit switch I'll see an improvement.