I've tryed looking in the instruction manual, I tryed fooling around, I can't seem to spilt shows into chapters. I am using Sony DVD+R's and I can't seem to get shows into chapters. If anyone owns this recorder and can help me out, I would really appriciate it. Thanks.
I have the same machine and i believe that you can only set chapters with dvd-ram disks. if you read through you manual at the beginning of each section explaining a function it usually shows you to which disk this function relates, it will say either e.g. dvd-r, vdvd or dvd-ram etc..
Is this the same as the Panasonic DMR ES20S? If it is would you all recommend this as a good recorder?
Yes it is the ES20S and it is SOOOOO amazing for the price I got it for, I paid $100.00 because it was open box sale at Circuit City, Circuit City is trying to get rid of this model for new brands and new models. I suggest if your looking to get one, Look for the Open Box Items. It's really amazing though, I've been having so much fun recording Wrestling. I highly suggest you get this DVD Recorder. Also, I suggest looking this DVD Recorder up on CircuitCity.com there's about 17 pages of Customer Reviews there.
my understanding is you have to just press the 'create chapter' button during a recording... so does this only work on RAM discs then ? (must admigt haven't read manual properly yet, it's a bit like the Hobbit)