I dont know if this is the right place to ask this, sorry if it isnt. I just have a quick question hopefully someone can help me. I need to open ports 6000-6999 on my computer to be able to use my microphone for my PS2 online. Ive looked around and found answers if you have a router but I dont have one. Is there anyway to open these ports without a router? Is this safe? My mic used to work online but then I got this digital phone service through Time Warner Cable and they gave me a different cable modem, Arris, and ever since then it hasnt worked. I emaild them and they said they have no idea whats wrong and it doesnt have anything to do with the new modem but Im pretty sure it does. Thanks to anyone that can help me out...
If its a modem then it won't be that. What firewall, antivirus and antimalware are you using? If you have a third party firewall is Windows firewall disabled?