Help with skins on r4ds

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by alipoppet, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. alipoppet

    alipoppet Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I'm a newbie at this techie stuff! I have managed to install games on to the card but cannot seem to change the skin. I have read that all I have to do is downloada theme and then delete 4 pics on the microcard and replace with the new images but.... on my root directory in system there is not a themes folder nor is there 4 pics - there is just a bitmap saying gba frame.. Can anyone tell me if it will work if i make a themes folder and then put themes in it?? do i delete gba bitmap... very nervous not to muck up as it all works!
  2. alipoppet

    alipoppet Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    anyone out ther can help me??? i posted this soem time ago and was sure someone would point me in the right direction..... plzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. Grady1707

    Grady1707 Guest

    I have the same problem and i'm clueless.
  4. Zimwi

    Zimwi Member

    Mar 16, 2009
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    Edit: Deleted post.

    I figured it out. It was so damn simple I about hit myself.

    It would seem that the R4 is 'sensitive'. So to get themes to work on version 1.18 or any other version that does not come with a themes folder in the _system_ directory... here's what you do:

    Create a themes folder. Yep. There you go. Now... it MUST be all lower case. Not 'Themes'. Not 'THEMES'. Just 'themes'.

    In the folder, lowercase as well: 'themesXX' ... where XX is 01-12. I heard the R4 can hold up to 13 different themes but I'm going to play it safe and stick with 12.

    After that; load your themes and when your DS boots up hit Select. And blam. Themes.


    That was a lot more frustrating than it had to be!
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009

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