help with transfering snes games with flashfxp to xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bytragof, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. bytragof

    bytragof Member

    Jun 23, 2008
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    hey guys.

    i am new to this forum so 1st off all a big hello to everyone.

    have been browsing the discussion boards and am pretty sure this hasent already been gone over, but apolagies if it has.

    im having big trouble getting downloaded snes games onto my modded xbox, i have all the emulators on the xbox and am trying to transfer them with flash fxp but it is rejecting them.

    i have been downloading the files and unzipping them with winrar but they all show as an unknown file type after being unzipped. any help would be massively appreciated and apolagies if im being a complete doughnut.
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Doesn't matter.. your pc won't know what format they are... what does matter is how they are named.. the xbox will only accept a maximum filename length of 24 characters-including spaces and the .snz or whatever... plus roms often have what the xbox will see as illegal characters in the names.. things like !"$%*[] etc.. so strip those out too ;)
  3. bytragof

    bytragof Member

    Jun 23, 2008
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    ok wicked, i will give this a go when i get home tonight and fingers crossed thats what the problem is, i appreciate ur quick responce, and il give it a whirl. cheers.
  4. bytragof

    bytragof Member

    Jun 23, 2008
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    fantastic mate, that was excatly the problem. im now a retro gaming don again lol. thanks a lot. ;)
  5. gbuddy

    gbuddy Guest

    Good advice buddy
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Great. I remember scratching my head years ago about why ftp stalled on certain files and not on others. It applies to all files, so check the names first and life becomes easy ;)

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