help with using dvd decrypter and clonedvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ol645074, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. ol645074

    ol645074 Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    can someone please help me with the settings for dvd decrypter for burning a full backup of a dvd. I decrypt the dvd and clone dvd goes through the whole burning process, but then the dvd doesn't play on powerdvd or my dvd player, but it plays in windows media player. What setting do i use in decrypter:file or ifo or iso? I also tried dvdshrink instead of decrypter but clone wouldn't even start writing that one, kept on getting error messages.
  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Decrypt as IFO 1 in DVD Decrypter and burn with Record Now or Nero inside a VIDEO_TS folder. Decrypt as an ISO in DVD Decrypter and burn using DVD Decrypter, though it cant be compressed. Its your choice
  3. tiggerly

    tiggerly Guest

    I've just started DVD copying, and the following works for me;

    Use DVD decrypter, decrypt as ISO, all files.
    Buy Instant CD/DVD 7, enable the hidden extra (easy to find on the web), this lets you strip out extras and / or compress so you can get a full DVD backup. This works spot on with my standalone player, full meuns, subtitles etc with no real difference in quality.
  4. Matador

    Matador Regular member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Use Decrypter to make an iso..Use Deamon tools or Alcohol 120% [that uses Deamon tools)LOL to mount iso.Now run clonedvd by elbys not the other one...Select what method u want to copy it.Now u can take out extras,sub,lag,more...So i can fit on a dvd-r.And thats it...

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