Can anyone out there advise me about Windows Media Player 10. I dave Nero 6.6 and I can't plat DVDs. I contacted Microsoft for help and was advised to purchase Cinevideo plugin with MPeg additional. If I insert a dvd in my player The whole system, Windows XP, pro, crashes and restarts. The media system tells me both Nero and Cinevison are NOT COMPATIBLE with WMP10. I contacted Microsoft again and now am told to try another software download. Can anyone tell me if there is software that IS compatible. Please. I'm pretty new at this and don't wnat to keep throwing money into sosftware that I can't use. Thanks so much for any assistance.
Ok...First Off you should "Never" use Media Player to Playback DVD"s or Mpeg-2 files.... Why?? Because Media Player will allways Ignore the aspect ratio Flags in the DVD so it will display the Video useing it"s resolution and not it"s aspect ratio which means that it will not look Properly on your PC as Compared to on your TV set also Media Player doesn"t Properly read the DVD structure so it is Difficult to get Menu"s and Chapters to work when Playing with media Player.... For DVD/Mpeg-2 Playback you should allways use a Software DVD Player Like "Cyberlink PowerDVD" or "InterVideo WinDVD" or "Sonic Cineplayer" or any Proper DVD Playback software..... Cheers
Thank you for your reply. I installed Sonic Cineplayer already but everytime I try to play a DVD the system crashes. Microsoft is advising I try IntervideoDVD combo. Can you tell me how to set my system to use either of these? I am at a loss right now. And not to happy with Microsoft. There online help keeps directing me to download sites. Not real helpful. Thanks again.
There are no Particular settings to get it to work..It sounds like you have some other problem that is causeing your system to crash.. Well if you install "InterVideo WinDVD" it will also install the correct decoders so Media Player can Play DVD"s but if there is some other problem then you never know if it will work cuz you should be able to play DVD"s/Mpeg-2 files just by useing Cineplayer...