ok i have a chipped xbox, no idea wut kind, and i have evox. everything was working but now i have this clicking noise coming from my hard drive and dont know wut to do, nothing loads up. help please!!!
That means the little lever thing in your Hard drive is out of allignment and that it either may be fixed by trying to put it back or finding a replacement one for your type of hard drive.
I could help you open your Xbox but I don't actually know how to do it or if you can do it by just moving it.
Replace the hard drive, replace the little reader thing, or risk screwing it up and moving it with your hand.
You can soft mod your Xbox and copy all the files to your computer and then replace the hard drive and put all the other stuff back on it.
Now I'm interested. I'm switching my hard drive to a segate 300gig. Can you please tell us more on how to just switch all the info over to our new hdd or refer us to some place than we can get that info.
could you tell me how to backup my hdd on my comp? would this let me copy more games to my hdd? (i ran out of room! ) also when i try to load Halo 2 of my hdd, it says that the game may be dirty or damaged... wat should i do? (i have evox if that helps.)
Ok so everyone seems to need some help. First off upgrading hard drive go to xxfuz3xx.tk .Soft mod dude you can either go there, send me a friend request on Live. And everybody including both of those can instant message me at XxFuZ3xX.
@steve go do some research on xboxhdm(hard drive manager) and it will tell how to copy the files from your stock hdd to your 300GB harddrive
when i upgraded mine i just ftp everything to my comp and then put my new drive in and formatted it with my chip then i ftp it bck over and it worked peerfectly
seeing as how noone answered my post I shall usurp this one just for a moment... the stock hard drive is clicking loudly, xbox will not boot, is there stuff I need on it, or could I just replace it with a new hard drive? My system has no physical mods but at time of hd failure it definitely had a soft mod... again, cannot get to settings screen, so ftp'ing will be impossible.