Help! Xbox will not load dashboard

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Mystic123, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

    I bought my xbox about a year ago. My friend modified it, I was able to play games for awhile now when I try to load a game it tries to connect to xbox live and I am unable to get it out of this screen. I do not want to log on to xbox live just want to play my games. Is there anyway to reset this?

  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    what kind of dashboard do you have?
  3. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

    It is Avalaunch. Do not know anything else
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    does it have a chip or is it softmodded??
    did you go onlive with the mod on??
    is it doing this to every game?
  5. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest


    I do not know about a chip or softmodded. All I know is that he had a disk installed it and that was it. I never been onlive and it does it with every game.
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    It still tries to connect to LIVE even when you load games from hdd, doesn't it?

    What happen if you boot xbox without game in DVD drive? Does xbox load Avalaunch dash? Hopefully, you know the different between Avalaunch and MS dash.

    Can you load MS dash from Avalaunch? if so, what do you see? does it try to connect to LIVE?

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2006
  7. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

    It tries to connect with or without a game in dvd drive. Never goes to dashboard. Can not do a cotton pickin thing (being nice)
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    It seems like you have softmod xbox.
    How did you get this problem?
    Did you do anything to hdd?
  9. theridges

    theridges Guest

    do you even have a live account?
  10. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    The possible problems you may have right now are:
    - Softmod file is bad Or Avalaunch dash corrupted.
    - MS dash is bad too.

    Right now, every time you boot xbox, you only see MS dash. But it tries to connect LIVE. Therefore you can't do anything. Xbox will not read any games and any disks.
  12. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

    Grrrrrr and Grrrrr again. Thanks
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  14. Mystic123

    Mystic123 Guest

    The guy is no where to be found. I have called him and he will not return my calls. But I will look at that link and see what it say. No Im not a pc person but....we will see what happens. If all else fails I might buy another one.

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