help! xp doesnt boot in actual settings

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by demon406, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. demon406

    demon406 Member

    Dec 13, 2005
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    i on my pc this morning and it started in a new windows setting , means like when u create a new profile in windows xp , all my user settings gone but its still there in documents and Settings and i also notice a new profile called TEMP. thats from where it loads . tried deleting it but again a new temp comes on .. im choosing my user profile when logging in windows but still no luck:S
  2. djcb

    djcb Member

    Sep 3, 2007
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    I once had a similar problem to yours Demon, although I'm not certain that its the same one though. What happened with me was i would log into my computer and i would get a message as soon as i would log in saying something about "could not load users default profile". As soon as i would hit ok on that message my desktop icons would be gone (only having the icons of my computer, documents and antivirus) and i would get a message down the bottom of my screen asking me to take a tour of windows.

    I went into my documents and everything was gone, although in my computer i had not lost any hardrive space what so ever. I found out that all my files were in a documents and settings folder called "xp.add". Sometimes i would get this problem and sometimes everything would be back to normal. I ended up getting a new hardrive, by the looks of things from what happened with me my hardrive must have been corrupt I'm not sure. But since i got a new hardrive everything ran well.

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