even though iv copied a film of mine i have fergot wat to do????????????? daaaarrrrr i am using smart ripper and dvd2one i think i remember wat to do with them but wen i come to burn um it all go horribly wrong im using nero 5.5 i cant remember wat kind of dvd i pick on the wizard or off please somebody out there helpppppppppp
thanks koola, but iv bin reading them un nowt as told me how to do it from start to finish i need a full guide on how to do it cos im not even sure im using the smart ripper properly and the thread you gave me is out of use( so unless ur willing to write the instructions down iv no chance lol)
Cannot help you with smartripper, but have a look at http://www.chrismccann.co.uk for a Nero version 5 guide which should point in the right direction for burning at least.....