! ! ! Help ! ! !

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by llugo2003, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. llugo2003

    llugo2003 Member

    Aug 23, 2005
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    can anybody tell what might be wrong with my computer, i recently got the new jamie foxx cd unpredictable, is it true that it comes with a program that installs itself without u knowing when u play it on ur pc. i dont know if this is the problem because i also have other older cds like dr. dre the chronic, and now my computer wont even recognize it, which before i bought foxx cd i was able to play it, can anybody help me by telling me how to fix my pc. i would really appreciate it.
  2. makojuice

    makojuice Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    windows will not install anything unless you tell it to .. it will run active content .. but its not gonna instal any programs without your permission .. if you happened to have accedently installed it and its causeing so much trouble .. then go to add remove programs and remove the program that was installed .. if you cant find the program on the list then run the jamie fox cd and see what exsactly it is .. that way you know what to look for .. most the time cds will come with a music video or 2 .. ive had them freeze my computer and make it act all screwy.. but ussually with a reboot of the cpu .. everything comes out just fine without that cd in the drive of course .. remember when windows asks if you wanna run active content on the cpu .. say never and never grant it acsess to the internet as well .. if its a dvd then a lot of times it will come with interactual player or cyberlink home theater or (power dvd)..
    i run power dvd , they always want you to regester with interacual
    and you can choose to cancel out and run it off of power dvd .. your choice but id say give a good reboot and try playing multiple things .. let the laser run on other programs and if there is something the cd gave you then just simply delete it .. hope that helps a little.

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