
Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by halonut, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. halonut

    halonut Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    please help!.!.!.!.!.! i cant seem to see the thing 2 downlod 2 get sof modes i downloded (links 4) i have splinter cell and 007... wat do i downlod 4 007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. gooch15

    gooch15 Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Download MIRC client and Download a FTP client and find a tutorial on how to access Xbins and when u get into Xbins click on PC and find your way to the softmod installer deluxe or watever or you could just simply follow this guide....
    How about doing some searching ( Google ) its why its there....

    this link is the guide

    yea both of these methods work because i hav used them b4 also if you have xbox live i suggest you to not even try softmodding because you will not be able 2 go on live without getting banned. Also in that link i gave it says you can go on live yea but if you try matchmaking on halo 2 you get banned so watever its your choice, Cya
  3. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    F@%* NO MAN you [bold]NEVER[/bold] get ban with this softmod... 1)i scripted it 2) i have this mod and a 200GB hd and i never get ban. 3) it clearly staes that you CAN use the xbox live and you WONT get ban.

    if you didnt fellow simple newbish intstructions on how to get on xbox live ,,,, well then poor on u ....

    i repeate [bold]YOU DO NOT GET BAN WITH THIS SOFTMOD [/bold]

    now back to halonut : use the links on that site to download the linux and the gamesave ... 2 files total .
  4. gooch15

    gooch15 Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    hey man watever i did it and guess wat i did wat they said and i got banned so do wat u want halonut but i didnt use any modded material and i loaded the game through the ms dahboard so yea i got banned becuase its hard to use softmod and not get banned your best bet if your gonna use Live get a modchip that can be turned off
  5. gus738

    gus738 Guest


    power it on [bold]VIA OPEN TRAY!!![/bold] then ONCE IT FULLY LOADS the ms dash ... you insert the ORIGINAL game...

    retail means no back up games no modded files no reading games or any modifed content from hd ....

    AND RED= MODDED... and you get ban.

    IF THE CIRCLE LED IS GREEEN= then your safe for live..

    I think you powerd it on normaly loaded the hack dash hit the ms dash from the menu options.. and guess what? the hacked content is NOT patched back to normal...= a banned xbox...

    so ur problem was that you loaded the ms dash from the menu options when insted your sopose to power it on with the open tray let it laod the full ms dash then insert your game.
  6. gooch15

    gooch15 Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    NO $hIT u gotta coldboot the original game yes i did that and wait a minute oh yea i remember now I GOT MY FRIENDS XBOX BANNED
  7. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    lol [bold]YOU DONT COLDBOOT YOUR GAME[/bold] isnt that easy to understand? , buddy im trying to help out but the lest you can do is not insault me... you do not coldboot the game. you just hit the [bold]EJECT BUTTON[/bold] then wait for ms dash to load and put the game.....

    do i see any instructions here that say that you have to coldboot your game???

    and coldboot = power on xbox put game power it off and power it back on WITH GAME INSIDE the drive...

    basicly coldbooting was so that the game loads first and the mod woulnt have time to load so it would seem as if the xbox was retail..

    this was later spotted on by ms so that didnt work... ultimaly this sofmtod installer became the solution and its very very competitve vs a chip as it can literlaly do the smae thing....

    im not saying ur a noob but your actin like one lol.... but hey everyone is a noob @ some point ...

    hers is a bit from the folks @ xbox hq where sid 4 is made and discussed

    dual boot/open=retail(ndure). Closed tray will load softmod while open will load in retail state, patching back Microsoft key, allowing you to pop in an original xbox live! enabled game and go safely online.

    Now to the SuperFeatures that makes SID 4 the best softmod in Existance.
    -when you run your softmod, led will be RED, this indicated that softmod is active.
    -when you run SID 4 Installer Menu, your led will be ORANGE, this is so you know what's running.
    -When you are in retail mode (Ndure or not modded), than it's just standard green.
    -when leds cycle colors, is either your AV cable is not on, or dash targets aren't found.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2006
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Give it up gus...he just wants to cheat on live with mods...loser. :)

    Shame he didn't post his gamertag ain't it ;) .. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2006
  9. gooch15

    gooch15 Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    Hey now i dont like to cheat i like mods that r fun i HATE cheats like 360 autoaim and the reason i didnt post my gamertag is cause i dont hav one yet!!!!!
  10. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    its all good janrocks... he made a mistake ....
  11. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Cool..just thought you found another one like the other day.. carry on with my blessing.. And welcome to the club of people who hate cheaters on live.. they ruined it for me so bad I never went back.. lol

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