Hi everyone! Sorry if I have posted this twice, couldn´t see my oher post anywhere. I have just flashed my sagem dbox with Sportster-Pro_1.08_RC007_20061116_1931_1xI.img(1xImage) and it is not loading the image at all. I get the Sportster Pro screen, but after that it freezes and doesn´t do anythig else. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks
using IFA flash another image or the same one again http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa to download IFA application and instructions, all you need to have is a valid image.
Thanks for the advice, but it is still not doing owt. Problem as well is that LCD from dbox doesn´t work (is always been like that) so I have no way to know whether is flashing or not. Followed every step in the guide, left it for 1 hour, restarted box and still with Sportster Pro screen. When loading IFA, I get two screens, on one of them, at the bottom, is says pinging Dbox2 failed. Any other advice? Thank you very much in advance
My sagem was damaged in the post. My mates was too, on his the LCD was not working, but all it needed was to be reseated. If you take the cover off you can see 2 ribbons coming from the LCD to the main board, try plugging these out and then reconnecting them firmly, they might just be loose. It is hard to know what is going on if the LCD is not working. My mates box had a stange IP address so wasnt working at first for me. Can you at least find out your boxes IP? if you know it you should be able to flash it properly, your last number should be different on your IP settings, the others must be the same.
If you use a additional nullmodem cable for flashing you get all information you want. The box IP doesn't matter. IFA assign automatically a IP to the box only for flashing.
Thats what I thought. I was trying to flash a sagem last night and it wasnt working for me. Then I saw that the IP on the box was something like 192.168.0.xxx after it gets flashed with sportster 1.7 it changes to something like In the beginning I could not flash it since my network settings were 192.168.1.xxx but when I put a zero after the 168 it worked for me. I changed to the zero and flashed using IFA then I tried using filezilla to put on my service.xml etc but it didnt work since the IP had channged from 0 to a 1 at the second last bit.
You shouldn't mixup the ip of the image and flashing with IFA. IFA talk to the bootloader of the box and not to the image. The image doesn't boot up if you flash via IFA. IFA assign x.x.x.202 to the box. The first 3 number ranges are taken from the pc IP. That box ip is only valid for the flashing procedure. 0 and 255 in the last number range are reservated for system usage. You shouldn't use it for any IP.
Hi again. I used the nullmodem cable and it was a matter of minutes. Didn´t have to do anything, IFA sent the image without any problems, now working perfectly. Thank you very much indeed for the advice. Lcd still not working though. Thanks again, I was already looking for prices for a new box!!!