Sorry to hear that. "Phone restrictions off", it's unlocked. "Error code" wrong code. [bold] STOP [/bold] tell us. "Not allowed" or "Can Not Undo Restriction" it's hard-locked. Used up all your free tries!! Someone has entered too many wrong codes before you came to us. You only get 3 to 5 tries. If you enter the same code two times, that is two tries. Your phone is hard-locked. You will need to take it to a phone shop that has the equipment to unlock it. It will still work on your original Network. Have a look at this. It is the first Thread on this Forum. One solution for a hardlocked phone. For US residents: ForCanadian residents: For UK residents: I have no financial affiliation with this Site. I am acquainted with it and the work they do there. There are many. JG