hepl me copy DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Kyleshill, Feb 1, 2004.

  1. Kyleshill

    Kyleshill Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    Have been trying for a month to copy a DVD bigger than 4.5gb but always fail. I'm running Windows 98SE, Intel Pentium III 500 MHz processor, 128MB Fast SDRAM 100MHz.Settings on the device managers are all set to DMA. (have been reading previous threads) Have Pioneer DVR-A06 with 'Instant Copy by Pinnacle'. Have tried DVD Shrink but when I get to encode it says it's going to take three hours. Is my equipment too old or am I missing something. I tried DVD2ONE but it would only do the first thirty minutes of the movie then stopped.
    Can some out there help?
  2. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Use DVD Shrink 3.14 and enable "perform deep analysis" in the encode process m8. Use Nero or CloneDVD and I recommend burning slow= 2.0-2.4x. Be sure to play the dvd you're gonna backup for about 30 seconds so DVD Shrink can locate the dvd key...No matter what programs you use to encode a dvd that is over 4.7 gig with a 500 cpu, encode time are going to be very slow. Remember that you're attempting to get the absolute best video quality playback so long encoding times shouldn't be of any concern for you until you upgrade your pc. Go AthlonXP (cpu) instead of Pentium 4 as you can build (or have someone build) a fast system for you and you'll save more money.

    I hate to say this so don't take any offense but the computer you're using is way outdated. I know many people here can't afford newer systems or upgrades. I have a Athlon T-Bird 1.0 gig cpu and motherboard still in a box and don't wan't to build on that mobo simply because it doesn't support SD-DDR Ram.

    Shoey :)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Afterdawn forum rules
    Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712,CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+,Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700),nVidia GeForce FX5600(256MB DDR),Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd,WD 80 gig external USB 2.0 [/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2004
  3. Kyleshill

    Kyleshill Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    Thanks Shoey, No offence taken. It's what I suspected deep down. Have just installed the DVD-R, and a second bigger hard drive.(its the kids computer) I would probably have been cheaper buying a new system altogether.Can I just replace the cpu or do I have to replace more than that?
  4. Kyleshill

    Kyleshill Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    P.S. Shoey The details of the p.c I took off the invoice.
  5. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Well if it were me and your cpu case has plenty of size and space for fan support then I would replace the motherboard and power watt supply. I like Asus& MSI (Micro Star) motherboards.

    Shoey :)
  6. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    Your PC is outdated if you are using and running Windows 98SE get Windows 200 XP you will have better luck. And your Intel Pentium III 500 MHz processor cont handle it. I have a new dell PC with 2 -120 gp hard drives in it and it just make it at times. You can’t put more than 120 min or 4.6 gb on a DVD-r as it needs room for the opening and closing. As for

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Signs of a Loser

    a.. You have a wife and a cigarette holder - neither one works.
    b.. If it rained soup you would have a fork instead of a spoon
    c.. You had bad luck with two Wife's or husbands, the first one left you,
    and the second one won'[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2004
  7. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    READ Aterdawn forum rules before you make another reply post m8! This is your first& last WARNING and if you post such nonsense again, I'll be more than happy to D E A C T I V A T E you, as well as my boss. Now -=Make My Day-=and EDIT your post!

    Shoey :)

  8. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    They are from ther vhs old home moves as will as for ther back ups of a lot of Audio and old papers or old Pictures. NOt from DVDs of moves you get in the store.

    PPS You can make a good looking side show for your Friends and others just by working at it
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Signs of a Loser

    a.. You have a wife and a cigarette holder - neither one works.
    b.. If it rained soup you would have a fork instead of a spoon
    c.. You had bad luck with two Wife's or husbands, the first one left you,
    and the second one won'[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2004
  9. Kyleshill

    Kyleshill Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    THanks to all. AS I suspect I will have to save some money to upgrade my system
  10. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    If you can make from $35 to $100 a Mo payment you can get a new pc ship to you all you need to do is go and look at what you what on line ---like dell or some others--
  11. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    You don't fool me m8. You've yet to edit your post and time is growing very, very thin.

    Shoey :)
  12. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hi kyleshill, once you have upgraded your pc you may like to try these programs

    dvd shrink already mentioned
    but if you purchase a dvd burner as part of the upgrade
    clone dvd and Anydvd trial versions are on this site
    as well as dvdx copy express.The guides section is also worth a visit.There are heaps of programs you just got to find the one that suits you.I use dvdx copy platinum and clone.

  13. Ketola

    Ketola Turned ninja Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Please edit your post to remove references to piracy, or edit it so that the nature of the DVDs you make copies of is clear.

    Saying "<i>I charge $5 per DVD copy from my friends</i>" is strictly against our AUP. Strict? Perhaps. Fair? Absolutely.
  14. Mayor

    Mayor Member

    Sep 10, 2003
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    It has been posted on several Vendors website, makers of DVD Backup software, that a PC needs to meet the MINIMUM requirements:

    256MB RAM
    10GB FREE HD space

    Without the minimum, you will never be able to backup a DVD.

    Best prices for upgrades:


    I would buy nothing less tha a P4-2.4 Ghz CPU w/ HyperThreading and 512MB of RAM. Also, I would install Windows XP Professional - since most of the Backup software is written for it.

    Thanks - I hope this helps,

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2004
  15. devil60

    devil60 Guest


    You are so== right== this is why I can do what I do

    Learn How to Make DVDs
    I all so use DVD Movie Factory, Movie Collector DVD Catalog Software and more
    Ive been into this for some time now and use a lot of software from $19 up to $2000 it is the computer and the printer as will as the software that you have makes or braks you.

    Why pay some one when you can do it youself?

    Ask me to save your moves of your kids that you have on the old vhs and you will pay me as it takes up to 5 Hrs to do one all the way to the DVD. But it will be the cost for the set up software that will get to you

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Signs of a Loser

    a.. You have a wife and a cigarette holder - neither one works.
    b.. If it rained soup you would have a fork instead of a spoon
    c.. You had bad luck with two Wife's or husbands, the first one left you,
    and the second one won'[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2004
  16. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Wanna race m8? P4= too expensive! AMD AthlonXP cpu are just as fast!= less expensive.

    Shoey :)
  17. devil60

    devil60 Guest

  18. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    Keep this will in mind you can't have 2 or more DVD making or copies Program installed on your computer at the same time you must remove all others and reboot before you install a new program. One will tire to take over and you will have a lot of lock ups or it will make the one you are using to just turn it self off If you have a program you like and it works for you don't tire a new one
  19. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hey devil maybe you can educate me i'm running 3 dvd backup programs on my pc at the same time.When will i expect the lock up to occur.

  20. devil60

    devil60 Guest

    Will it did it to me and Im not up all the way now

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