alright, well everytime i try to burn a data disk, or any kind of disk for that matter, nero takes the blank cd and starts to burn the data onto it (which in my case is mp3 files), but after its finished nero ejects the disc and says it's unable to perform the endtrack, and i dont know what to do because my cd burner used to work, and i haven't don't anything different with my computer to cause something to go wrong. do you think a virus may have ruined it? or do you think i should delete nero and go for a different program? any suggestions are greatly appreciated. thanks guys!
Did you actually test the disc you attempted to create to see if it was readable or playable? Even though Nero reported a failure, there are times the record is a succes, but Nero has trouble when it comes to releasing the drive. Driver conflicts can cause this in most cases. If the disc is not readable or playable, try placing the disc back in the Recorder, and use Nero's "Disc Info' feature to try and close the session. If only the lead-in and lead-out were not properly written, you'll find in the Nero "Disc Info" window an option appear in the bottom left of the window that will allow you to 'Close Session' or 'Close Disc'. Choose close session if you wish to write to the disc again in the future. If you do not wish to write to it again, choose Close Disc. This option will only appear of the session was not closed properly. Regards, Craig
thanks for replying, i tried what you suggested, but disc info didn't set up. and when i tried to burn an entire new cd, it gave me several messages before compleltley quitting on me. first it said power calibration error, then invalid write state, then could not perform end track, then invalid field in command, then could not perform fixation, then burn process failed. do you think i should just delete nero and what program do you think i should download instead? thanks.
The very first error message in any write operation is always the true problem. All error messages that occur after the first are caused by the first error, and it's like a domino affect. Since the drive had a 'Power Calibration' error, it caused an 'Invalid write state', which then caused it not to be able to perform and 'End Track' write, which then caused another 'Invalid write state'. The real problem is the Power Calibratoin Error. Your recorder could not find the proper power needed to begin writeing to the recorder. This is controled by the firmware on the recorder. This can be caused by: 1) Old firmware 2) Poor media 3) Dust on the opitcal head or media 4) Poor power to the recorder ( Make sure the power to the recorder is not being shared by another device, or that your internal power supply on your computer is not fluctuating) 5) Old version of Nero software 6) Old drivers for your IDE controller 7) Optical head on the recorder is out of alignement and needs to be realigned by the recorder MFG. Regards, Craig
okay, thanks so much for replying! alright, well i updated my nero, but the same exact problem is happening. so can you explain to me how to do all of things you listed. is it possible that i may just need a different burner? and i kno i've asked this before, but should i go for a different cd writing program? thanks so much for your time!
The firmware you can check by usgin the Nero InfoTool and compare the versoin it lists with the latest version provided by the Recorder MFG. Media, just try another brand of media. If the problem continues you can rule that out. You can use compress air to blow into the drive and hope it clears off the optical head. I would not recommend opening the unit and using a dry cotten swab as it may void the warranty on the recorder, if it's new. As for Power, do as I recommended and make sure it's not sharing power. You can also take the drive to another computer and see if the issue occurs there as well. If it does, then you can rule power fluctuations out. You ruled old Nero software out as you've already upgraded. And if this was a software issue, others would be reporting this problem as well. But I always like to be 100% sure, so if I were trouble shooting the issue I would try another competitors software to see if the issue remained. I would recommend downloading a Free Demo version os anything from NTI's software to Clone CD and just see if it will burn anything at all. There are programs out there that will help you determine if you need to update drivers for your system. Or you can go to the IDE controller MFG"s website, or even the MotherBoard MFG's website. As for the Re-Aligment issue, only the Recorder MFG can do this, and it's only worth it if the drive is still under warranty. Otherwise it's cheaper to purchase a new recorder that pay to have it fixed. Regards, Craig
hi, i know it's been forever since i've replied, but i got a new burner. i was wondering if you or anyone else knew a good site to download movies. i'd like to especially be able to find independent films and international films. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!