My digital camera is kind of slow when it comes to me pressing the button to take a picture its slow My camera is a Nikon coolpix L4 need more information just ask me Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come On help me
did ye check this site on ye camera, COOLPIX L4 as it might need a firmware update.. FAQs If you have a technical question, check here first. You will find solutions to the most common problems in this area. Firmware Updates Find updates to your Nikon firmware quickly and easily. Software Downloads Get the latest software updates for your Nikon products. Manuals, Guides and Notes Looking for more information? Check this area for great technical information. Accessories main page and tech support
the camera is slow compared to what? The handy dandy digital cameras surely have a lag.... How does it function on a timer? or on a tripod?
or is it slow to write and get ready for the next shot??? If this is the case, you may need to use a memory card that has a higher write speed. you may want to have a look at cards like: "SanDisk Extreme III" or "Lexar Media 80X Professional Series with Write Acceleration (WA)"