i just bought a usb hub with 4 slots on it(2.0)speed i have it slotted into the computer usb which is only 1.0 speed by usb. its lighting and it working fine but its not transfering at 2.0speed anyone know whats wrong i only have one device connected and its an mp3 player
If you plug a USB 2.0 hub into a USB 1.0 port the 2.0 Hub will run at 1.0x speed. You should look into this. . . http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16815265001 It is a PCI card that has 2 USb 2.0 ports and 2 Firewire ports, it also has 1 internal USB 2.0 port but I don't really see the point in it. It costs $12.99 with $4.99 for shipping and will make any PC USB 2.0 enabled. Just read this review of the product. . .
Backward Compatibiliy means that if you have your USB 2.0 hub plugged into a USB 2.0 port on your PC, that even though all the ports are designed for USB 2.0 devices it will work with devices that use USB 1.0 .