I was wondering if anyone has used LEGAL download video websites such as www.totalvid.com. This website lets you download mostly sports videos (no hollywood movies) for a reasonible price usually $3.99 but it has one catch its only good for 7 days. My question is has anyone tried this service? After 7 days what happens? Im assuming it doesnt work or is deleted. But whats the format the file is downloaded at? What sort of copy protection would this file have? I mean it must have some way of stopping a person from copying it to say a DVD or other media. Its interesting to me this technology does anyone have any experience using this or similar websites?
I would be interested in how they manage to apply some copy right protection feature on this. Maybe you can only watch their vids using their software which locks off the vid after a certain number of days. Can the same sort of thing be applied to MP3s? Like if you download an MP3 from a legal site you are restricted to only listening to it on the computer on which it was downloaded to?
I know I thought about the same thing (mp3's). I know there is a way to unlock mp3's from the major suppliers of legal downloads (napster,itunes). I have never used them before. Maybe the movies use the same technology that software like anydvd uses where it checks the date and then locks out the software after the date is reached?