Hey , I really screwed up and I deleted a file ... I was wondering if anyone had it ! ALSO , Another insane problem!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by DrXthirst, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Okay , I downloaded the Legendary Map Pack and was going to use it. But , for me to use it , I had to go into my xbox and go into the folder ... /E/TDATA/4d530064/. And there was 2 folders. $c and something else (I forgot). I was wondering if anyone could send me that file , thanks , thirst.

    And by the way , I dunno what happened! When I go into FlashFXP , and I go to (D) Drive to download a map off of the Disc , it has a folder saying , "Video_TS". If anyone could explain this pleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee help me out! Thanks , DrXThirst
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    ok if your getting these maps off tf the maptacular map pack disc the video ts folder is video files on the disc....which you do not need....
  3. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    OKay , well , I am putting in the regular HALO 2 Disc. And , now , I cant even sign on to XBL because when I try , it says you need an update and when I go to get the update , it takes me to error 21 !
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i would delete whatever folders you added....
  5. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Well , the thing is , I didnt add any files , I DELETED THEM!
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    can you go to your main dashboard???
  7. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Do you mean the main menu in HALO 2 or Evox.
    But ... It really dont matter , because I can go to both of them!
  8. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    on HALO 2 , I can go to the main menu when I go to it through my HALO 2 disc AND when I go to it through my HDD.
  9. theridges

    theridges Guest

    Just Delete all of your Halo 2 Saves.....
  10. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    error 21 is your dashboard missing. you wont be ale to sign into live to get the update unless you re install the m$ dash
  11. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Thanks , shinnster , thats exactly what I want to do. I want to un-mod my xbox and then mod it again , so I can start over fresh ... but ... 1 problem is standing in the way , I have no clue how to do that! (?)
  12. theridges

    theridges Guest

    Look FTP into your C Drive thats where you ms dash is at you will need to download a new ms dash offline somewhere.....or you xan install it with the AID 3.5 disc.....
  13. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    How come I have to download a new MS dash? And, do you know where I can download one?
  14. theridges

    theridges Guest

    i dunno but error 21 usually has to do with your ms dash missing,why i didnt say something earlier though was becuz you only messed with some halo 2 saves and didnt change your C drive,so i thought it might have been something else...but when you install the new maps to your xbox for halo 2 it automatically adds an update which i had forgetten about......this update was probably the culprit....you can get the ms dash off the autoinstaller deluxe disc i also think its online somewhere....
  15. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Okay , thanks , but guess what .... NOW MY XBOX BOOTS TO ERROR 21!

    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2006
  16. theridges

    theridges Guest

    well damn that sux bad...now you will need to hotswap or get a chip....
  17. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    WHY!? What happened , what did I do , can I reverse it ... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
  18. theridges

    theridges Guest

    error 21 is a flag that comes up because the xbox is confused on what to boot.....im sure when u installed the ms dash back you put it where the evox dash board is so now there conflicting with eachother,becuz they both want to boot up but they cant so your getting an error 21....
  19. DrXthirst

    DrXthirst Guest

    Okay , just so you know , I didnt try to re-install the MS Dash at all! Thats the question ... what happened !? I didnt do anything!?
  20. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    sorry if i didnt see this in the thread but is your box softmodded? if so then you should still have the game saves on it. even though it boots to error 21 you should stiull be able to load up a game and re do or un do the soft mod.

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