its called bold [*b]its called bold[*/b] with out the * inserted every time ye post,the instructions are there above ye post box..
yeah but it dosent put it bold in the top of the threads for example:I DOWNLOADED THESE .01 .02 .03 RAR FILES....what do i do? its at the top threads and bold i want to do that
pimpmex quote yeah but it dosent put it bold in the top of the threads for example: its not set up to use bold print in the title of the thread.. i do not understand what ye want
Like 211 Nephilim he posted Crackdown on Sigs. and its all bold and on the top on this forums All other Topics
i think hes talking about it being stickied. a mod will have to do that and it would have to be a very good thread or guide for that to happen.