Hi, just trying to find info hope someone can help, meta tags

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by erector, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. erector

    erector Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    I come on here regular as it is a great place for info and news, also, there seems to be some tremendous knowledge on a vast number of subjects.

    So here goes

    I have spent a lot of time messing with private forums, trade, etc and a vast amount of time protecting them from spiders.

    I was asked by a friend to try and do a shop for him, so I had a go, I did it with straight html, dreamweaver and used paypals shopping basket first, this was okay but it would mean I would have to keep adding products and changing everything myself, so then I messed with some free scripts, I decided on cubecart in the end, it seems easy enough for my friend to be able to add and change stuff and I can limit what he can touch in admin section.

    The only problem now is, how do I get it recognised within search engines, prederably for free.

    I have done the mete tags etc, but we don't seem to be popular yet, I know little about these, any help would be fantastic.

    Simple to follow help would be even better (-:

    All the best

  2. coolGray

    coolGray Regular member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    yes...i was just about to post the same thing, i have tried "submit your site to google" but that does nothing.

  3. erector

    erector Member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    I tried a few free scripts on sites that are supposed to enter your site in popular searche engines, most failed and 80% wanted cash.

    Somebody knows a thing or 2, I have looked at the meta sruff dor this site and a lot more and they come to the top on search engines easy.

    I don't want a lot of this for myself, it's to help get my freinds shop on he map and with a bit of luck, I might get a chance to do a few others.

    Lets hope some one can help

    Thanks for the reply


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