I was using MainConcept 1.4 for at least a year with no problems. After upgrading to v. 1.5 and encoding files, CPU usage fluctuates between 30-90%. Rebooting returns things to normal but if I try to open the folder containing these files, CPU usage returns to 30-90%. Deleting these files puts CPU usage back to normal but sometimes I am prevented with the message that some process is using the file. These are avi files and the culprit is explorer.exe. I have read many items on this but nothing helps. Apparently, deleting the Default directory for avi in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTS fixes this but there is nothing there to delete. I also read of a fix in Folder Options of "automatically search for network folders and printers" but no luck there either. Anyone know of a fix for this. Thankyou for any help.
Also do not have the Folder options for the Folder with the AVI"s in it to "Thumnail" view because this will cause Explorer to Try to decode the File to generate the Thumbnail preview which will cause the problem you are haveing...... Good luck
Thanks Minion. The Folder view was set to "Thumbnails". I don't know how that happened; always use "Tiles".
That hasn't totally solved this but close enough. After encoding, CPU usage returns to normal and opening the mpg only raises the usage to 30 - 70% for 1 minute and then it returns to normal. The knowledge on this forum is incredible. Thanks again