My new DS Lite has a high-pitched noise. I have deducted that it must be coming from one of the screens, since the noise only happens after the screens turn on (after the power is on, there is a breif delay before the screens turn on, and it doesn't happen there). Any help?
i dont really know how to fix it, but i think its a common thing in electronics. like on my tv, sometimes i get this high pitched 'eeeeeeeeeeeeee' sound. i donno exactly how to fix it, but i thing its the speakers so try raising and lowering the volume??
plug a earphone in, if noise stops then u know its the speaker. can repair or replacing the speaker i guess but no idea how. if its the screen then u can get a replacement but to change it is not easy.
dunno how it would be the screen making the sound. im thinking its the speaker. and how long does the sound last?
I don't think it's the speaker anymore, I tyhink it's coming from the hinge, actually. It's gotten quieter, though, so maybe it's just a ne DS thing.
Well, it turns out it's not going away. It's faint, but it hurts my ears after a while. I can hear it clearly if I put my ear right up next to it, and at comfortable playing distance, it is VERY faint, but hearable. I should probably exchange it...
so the noise stays there and keeps going? i would try to exchange it like you said if you cant figure it out.
Yeah, its like....PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP, and it doesn't stop. Guess its another set of hour-long drives >.>